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Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Sesekali merasai sesuatu yang baru, memang sukar bagi sebahagian dari kita untuk menerimanya. Berlainan pula dengan ayam penyet.. Menu ini berasal dari seberang (indonesia) dan telah mendapat tempat dihati rakyat Malaysia.. Restoran yang aku maksud kan ialah Restoran Ayam Penyet JJKC yang terletak di Prima Saujana berdekatan dengan Giant.. dan cawangannya di Subang Business Centre.

Signature menu seperti Set Ayam, talapia, udang dan lele (keli penyet, gado-gado (rojak), Bakso kuah, Soto Ayam dan lain lain. Semua hidangan berkaitan dengan masakan indonesia..

Aku memilih menu set ayam penyet.. Terdiri diri ayam kampung yang di penyek, tahu dan tempe goreng, ulam ulaman bersama sambal, sup, nasi, buah tembikai dan teh ais.. Harganya RM11.90 sen satu set. Apa yang menariknya menu ini ialah ayam kampungnya sungguh lembut dan enak sekali (biasa ayam kampung liat skit kan). Yang tak menariknya sambalnya terlalu sedikit dan kalau nak tambah kene bayar 70 sen. huhuhu. Nak rasa soto ayamnya tapi aku dah kenyang la. hehehehe

Hiasan restoran..simple dan kurang menarik.. Meja makannya kurang stabil dan tak sesuai untuk melepak lama.. walauapapun  korang harus mencuba makanannya.. Memang mantap..


  1. Just had a terrible experience Ayam Penyet JJKC , Taipan USJ9. I was using dealmates set meal voucher and I did not touch the menu at all. The boss "recommended" us to change to another item (which I later found out was cheaper than what we paid for. Still no biggie. And mid-way through the meal I asked for sambal. When I got the bill, turns out they have charged me 70sen for the sambal. But this is not the part I am most angry about.

    They asked to clear the table and closed the lights (hurrying us away) & threw away almost half of the sambal without asking us. They also keep on saying 70sen sambal was in the menu when they full well know that we did not order based on the menu at all, since we used vouchers and there was only 2 occupied tables.

    So since I already paid for the sambal I asked for the balance of the sambal. Threw away already was their reply. Then to add salt, the boss twisted that according to voucher we cannot "bungkus" (takeaway). But didn't I "ordered" the sambal separately?! After arguing for a bit, the boss shouted @ me to "get out" and he don't want to waste time with "these kind of people" IMAGINE THAT!!!

    Mental note: avoid at all cost (food wasn't even that good to begin with!)
